Who We Are

The Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院是一所全国知名的高等学府. We are committed to providing a world-class dental education for our students and comprehensive, 在人性化的环境中为成人和儿童提供负担得起的病人护理.


  • Humanistic model of education that respects the dignity of each individual and fosters limitless potential for growth;
  • Accelerated year-round predoctoral program where students are able to complete four academic years of instruction in three calendar years; and
  • Innovation in dental curriculum, including comprehensive patient care and competency-based education.

1896年在旧金山成立了内科和外科医生学院. Dugoni School of Dentistry is committed to providing a student-centered educational program and the highest quality oral health care in the Bay Area.


  • 550 students and residents
  • 507 faculty (69 full-time; 217 part-time, 221 adjunct)
  • 221 staff/administrators
  • 8,000+ living alumni

A program dedicated to excellence

  • The only dental school in the United States with a decades-long track record of offering a year-round, 加速三年DDS计划.
  • Nationally-renowned for its humanistic model of education that respects the dignity of each individual and fosters limitless potential for growth
  • 通过七个学术课程提供学位或证书:
    • 口腔外科博士学位
    • 国际牙科研究课程
    • Graduate Orthodontic program
    • 牙髓学高等教育
    • 普通牙科高等教育
    • 国际普通牙医教育计划
    • 口腔卫生理学学士学位


  • University-run clinics in San Francisco and Union City as well as extramural sites throughout Northern California
  • Provides approximately $500,000 of uncompensated dental care on an annual basis and another $10 million of care at substantially-reduced prices to assist the culturally and socio-economically diverse population of the San Francisco Bay Area
  • Approximately 118,000 patient visits per year; 28,000 active patients
Viewbook cover detail
Dugoni School Viewbook
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作为Dugoni学校大家庭的一员,你会发现一个充满机遇的世界. 看看我们的新教材,看看我们的学生对他们的经历有什么看法!


Year in Review

杜戈尼学校的家庭每年都会改变成千上万人的生活, 我们正在实现帮助人们过上健康生活的目标. Our Year in Review report highlights just some of the great happenings over the last year across our academic programs, clinical services, research, 社区外展和其他领域.

year in review



通过我们的人文文化,我们培养和激励了一个多元化的学习者社区. 以杰出的传统为基础, we provide exceptional education; offer personalized quality patient care; support collaborative research; and foster commitment to service.



The Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院是健康和保健领域的创新和知名领导者. As a leader, 我们的项目为当前的医疗保健提供者做好准备, 未来和不断发展的实践模型. Dugoni学校将跨专业教育与患者护理相结合, keeping humanism at its core. 我们为初级和成熟的医疗保健专业人员提供一系列的职业道路.

Signature partnerships support our programs and enhance health, education, research, and service. 合作减少了对学费的依赖,为学生创造了机会, faculty, and staff development.

Powered by its people, the Dugoni School sets the standard for humanistic education and leadership that serve the needs of its students, patients, alumni, the organized profession, and the public.

Core Values

We commit to the following values to support the defining characteristic of our education model — Humanism.

By accentuating the positive, 树立高标准,尊重个人, 我们提供最好的学习, 为我们社区的每一位成员提供工作和医疗环境.

Courage -愿意冒险,做正确的事并不容易

Empowerment -支持和激励个人实现他们的潜力

Excellence -在我们所做的一切中达到最高质量

Innovation -想象和运用大胆的、创造性的方法

Integrity -树立最高的个人和职业道德准则

Leadership -通过愿景激励和挑战他人来实现积极的改变

了解更多关于学校的目的, Dugoni学校的战略计划反映了他们的愿景和价值观, 改变口腔健康教育的未来.

Defining Humanism

Our view of humanism is based upon honest communication of clear expectations along with positive support for diligent effort. Although kindness is valued, 人文主义并不意味着温柔, weakness, or superficial niceness. In fact, humanism places great responsibility on each member of the dental school community. 为了使这个方法起作用, 教职员工必须是该行业最高标准的典范, 他们必须以鼓励和激励学生的方式教学. Students, in turn, 被期望设定很高的标准, to work hard, 并对自己的学习过程负责.



  • Good work ethic
  • Constructive feedback
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Addressing the issue
  • Celebrating achievement
  • Excellence
  • High ethical standards
  • Professional responsibility
  • Increasing independence
  • Attainment of competence


  • Minimum effort
  • Authoritarian behavior
  • Public criticism
  • Ignoring the problem    
  • Dwelling on the negative
  • Expedience
  • Ethical compromise
  • Avoiding responsibility
  • Continued dependence
  • Tolerance of inability

The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry is the only dental school in the United States with a decades-long track record of offering a year-round, 加速三年DDS计划. Our challenging, year-round academic program prepares graduates to provide excellent quality dental care to the public and to enter a changing world that will require them to be lifelong learners.

The 36-month curriculum leading to the degree of doctor of dental surgery begins in July and is divided into 12 quarters, 每个课程由10周的教学组成, one week of examinations and a vacation period of varying length (between one and four weeks). 我们的DDS项目结合了基本的生物医学, preclinical, 临床科学与应用行为科学相结合, offering students the opportunity to grow into well-rounded doctors who treat patients with skill and compassion.

The Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry prides itself on producing excellent clinically trained dentists. 我们的毕业生开发他们需要适应不断变化的世界的工具, where new skills and knowledge will be required to keep pace with advancing technology and the challenges faced by an increasingly diverse population.

我们的学生在牙科学校的第一天开始他们的临床指导. The students learn from the beginning that excellent patient care involves technical skills, 沟通技巧和人文主义观点. 因为这种教育方式, 我们的毕业生在执业牙医和研究生课程的需求非常高.

Our school is a pioneer in competency-based dental education — an approach that replaces the traditional system of clinical requirements with experiences that ensure graduates possess the skills, understanding and professional values needed for the independent practice of general dentistry. The school's comprehensive patient care program is based on the concept of private dental practice where the student assumes responsibility for assigned patients' treatment, 专科护理的咨询和转诊.

The competency-based clinical model consistently produces one of the highest pass rates on initial licensure examinations and there is a sense of community that honors the potential in all individuals. The outstanding clinical training our students receive has earned our school national prominence.

Dentists from all over the country come to the Dugoni School to learn advanced techniques and to further their understanding of dentistry. Every year, the dental school hosts many continuing education programs for practicing dental professionals. 即使是最好的牙医来我们学校也是为了变得更好.

Bridge Builders
Diversity and Inclusion

We remain deeply committed to promoting and maintaining a civil community that facilitates opportunities for shared understanding and expression of individual and collective truths. Moreover, we resolve to maintain a community that is respectful of all persons despite differences in age, citizenship, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, geographic origin, language, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Dean Nadershahi
Nader A. Nadershahi, DDS, MBA, EdD
Message from the Dean

你会在亚瑟a找到一个充满机会的世界. Dugoni School of Dentistry. Through clinical experiences, research, 社区服务和领导机会, 你会在个人和专业方面都有所成长. 你会学到更多关于口腔健康和整体健康之间的重要联系, 和该领域的顶尖专家一起学习.

PHCC campus entrance
Pacific Health Care Collaborative

现在正在萨克拉门托建造, 并利用博彩平台网址大全三所卫生专业学校的优势, this groundbreaking initiative will combine dental and medical services in a teaching and learning environment.

Remembering a legend
Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni ’48

阅读博彩平台网址大全的院长名誉博士的非凡生活. Dugoni (1925 – 2020) who inspired thousands through his life of service, leadership and excellence.

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